英国beat365官方网站入口澳大利亚研究中心将于近期成立,在此期间,中国澳大利亚研究基金会主席David Walker、中国澳大利亚研究基金会Karen Walker、中国澳大利亚研究会秘书长李建军将到我校访问并举行讲座。现将讲座具体安排通知如下:
【讲座三】Food Diet and Health in Australia
【时间地点】2016年1月5日(周三)14:00英国beat365官方网站入口会议室(机械楼3036) 【主讲人】中国澳大利亚研究基金会、北京外国语大学澳大利亚研究中心Karen Walker
【主讲人简介】Karen Walker is a member of the Australian Studies Centre at Peking University and an Adjunct Associate Professor at Monash University, Melbourne Australia. Karen Walker completed her PhD at the Australian National University, Canberra. Subsequently she worked as a research scientist (in immunology) at the Centenary Institute, University of Sydney, becoming a Senior Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow. In 1990, taking a new direction, she completed a Masters in Nutrition and Dietetics, at Deakin University. She moved back into the research world as a Research Fellow in nutrition at Deakin University and subsequently joined the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Monash. While in China she continues to supervise graduate students. She has over 120 research papers in the fields of immunology or nutrition/diabetes research published in international journals.
【讲座四】Six Things You Need to Know About Australia.
【主讲人】中国澳大利亚研究基金会主席、北京大学必和必拓澳大利亚研究讲席教授David Walker
【主讲人简介】David Walker is the inaugural BHP Billiton Chair of Australian Studies at Peking University, Beijing. He has written extensively on Australian representations of Asia. His prize-winning book, Anxious Nation: Australia and the Rise of Asia, 1850 to 1939 (UQP, 1999) has been translated into Chinese and Hindi. He is the co-editor of Australia’s Asia: From Yellow Peril to Asian Century (UWA Publishing, 2012).
A collection of his Asia-related essays has been published under the title Encountering Turbulence: Asia in the Australian Imaginary (Readworthy, 2013). His recently published personal history, Not Dark Yet (which explores family, memory and the experience of becoming ‘legally blind’) has been translated into Chinese (光明行《光明行》. ) and published by The People’s Literature Publishing House, Beijing (2014). David Walker is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and the Australian Academy of the Humanities.
附:中国澳大利亚研究基金会主席David Walker讲座简介